. . . it sometimes pours!!
a few days after dealing with my mother's stroke . . .
my father watched his other great love (his boat) . . .
get washed up on the beach during an major windstorm.

the wind was blowing . . . a sail got loose . . . and it was too much for the buoy. . .
and then I heard my daughter say . . . "the boat . . . the boat . . . grandpa's boat . . . "
and within minutes it was on the beach.
what to do??
well first off - dad called a boat-rescue company . . .
they said they would come when the wind calmed down . . .
but we all knew that would most likely be when the tide came back in as well . . .
and then . . .

a nice young man named Jonah and his wife came by to help.
Jonah had a great idea . . .
to tie a line to a piling off shore so when the tide came in . . .
the boat could float freely and not drift off to sea - or get pounded on the rocks!!
Great idea - why didn't I think of that??

and then - off Jonah went . . . in the cold, cold water without even a life jacket . . .
and tied the line to the piling, and then to the stern of our boat.
I am a little nervous around the water and this made me very, very nervous!!
Jonah is one of those men who not only had a great idea but he didn't just talk about it . . .
he actually acted on it . . . it was all very amazing to see such character!!

and then another brave man by the name of Matthew (on the left) stopped by
and he also went into the freezing cold water . . .
as he knew he could help!!

so here is Jonah - wet . . . cold . . . and not even thinking twice about it . . .
while he is working on the sail . . .

and here is Matthew - fixing the sail as much as he could while
it was whipping back and forth in the wind . .
(more dangerous than you think as the boat was rocking back and forth and
the eyelet at the corner of that sail was not something you would want to get hit by!!

neighbors came down to the beach to watch and admire these two young men!!
when the storm passed and the tide came in . . .
the boat did what everyone expected - or should I say prayed it would do . . .

floating freely with her stern tied to the piling . . .
and quite honestly looking as good as can be expected . . .
especially after what she went through!!

My dad and my darling husband then both rowed out to the boat . . .
still not an easy task due to the remaining waves and wind . . . and then . . .

they climbed on board and sailed her off to a safe harbor . . .
one where she can be safe and secure and have my dad look over her . . .
It is amazing how similar this story is to my mother's just days earlier!!
I want to say that I am in awe of both of the men who helped out!!
Both Jonah and Matthew showed character when it mattered most . . .
you just don't see this very often anymore . . .
we all were amazed and thankful for their kindness . . . especially my father!!
I guess there are still angels and heroes among us . . .
wishing you all a wonderful weekend!!!
xoxo - liz
a few days after dealing with my mother's stroke . . .
my father watched his other great love (his boat) . . .
get washed up on the beach during an major windstorm.

the wind was blowing . . . a sail got loose . . . and it was too much for the buoy. . .
and then I heard my daughter say . . . "the boat . . . the boat . . . grandpa's boat . . . "
and within minutes it was on the beach.
what to do??
well first off - dad called a boat-rescue company . . .
they said they would come when the wind calmed down . . .
but we all knew that would most likely be when the tide came back in as well . . .
and then . . .

a nice young man named Jonah and his wife came by to help.
Jonah had a great idea . . .
to tie a line to a piling off shore so when the tide came in . . .
the boat could float freely and not drift off to sea - or get pounded on the rocks!!
Great idea - why didn't I think of that??

and then - off Jonah went . . . in the cold, cold water without even a life jacket . . .
and tied the line to the piling, and then to the stern of our boat.
I am a little nervous around the water and this made me very, very nervous!!
Jonah is one of those men who not only had a great idea but he didn't just talk about it . . .
he actually acted on it . . . it was all very amazing to see such character!!

and then another brave man by the name of Matthew (on the left) stopped by
and he also went into the freezing cold water . . .
as he knew he could help!!

so here is Jonah - wet . . . cold . . . and not even thinking twice about it . . .
while he is working on the sail . . .

and here is Matthew - fixing the sail as much as he could while
it was whipping back and forth in the wind . .
(more dangerous than you think as the boat was rocking back and forth and
the eyelet at the corner of that sail was not something you would want to get hit by!!

neighbors came down to the beach to watch and admire these two young men!!
when the storm passed and the tide came in . . .
the boat did what everyone expected - or should I say prayed it would do . . .

floating freely with her stern tied to the piling . . .
and quite honestly looking as good as can be expected . . .
especially after what she went through!!

My dad and my darling husband then both rowed out to the boat . . .
still not an easy task due to the remaining waves and wind . . . and then . . .

they climbed on board and sailed her off to a safe harbor . . .
one where she can be safe and secure and have my dad look over her . . .
It is amazing how similar this story is to my mother's just days earlier!!
I want to say that I am in awe of both of the men who helped out!!
Both Jonah and Matthew showed character when it mattered most . . .
you just don't see this very often anymore . . .
we all were amazed and thankful for their kindness . . . especially my father!!
I guess there are still angels and heroes among us . . .
wishing you all a wonderful weekend!!!
xoxo - liz
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