From my garden . . .

to each of you . . .

a most sincere "thank you" . . .

your words meant more to me . . .

than you will ever know!!
I have had a hard time talking about things lately . . .
even to some of my closest friends.
Sometimes when things are too much - I just need a quiet place.
It has been very nice to be able to write things down here on this blog . . .
in my own little way . . . and within a time-frame that I can deal with!
Most of my family and friends do not have blogs and do not leave
comments . . . although once in awhile one of them will surprise me . . .
which always brings a smile to my face :) . . . like my darling
niece "Darci" did the other day!!
(We miss all of you too !! - come up and visit this summer!!)
Anyway - for the most part - I have not met most of you - but your thoughts
and comments have given me so much strength . . .
and have made me smile . . . and for that I want to say "Thank you"
from the bottom of my heart!!
It has been so nice to get to know you all through this blogging world and
I have to say that it has quite honestly been one of the most amazing
and wonderful things I have ever experienced!! . . . Truly!!
May everyone of your gardens be filled with flowers and sunshine this spring!!
much love - xoxo . . . liz
flower photos are from my spring garden from last year . . . these specific tulips have not yet
bloomed this year . . . but - as with most great things . . . I'll keep waiting!! :)
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