A little vintage love . . .
from one of my favorite Brick and Mortar shops . . .
located right here in Seattle, Washington . . .
welcome to . . .

As many of you may already know . . .
I absolutely love this little shop here in Seattle . . .

it is owned by my dear friend - Pam Robinson . . .
who is one of the most talented designers I know!!

And . . . just wait until you see what she has up her sleeve for the holidays . . .
you are going to love her store and everything in it!!! :)
I for one . . . am shopping local this holiday season . . .
from some of my favorite Vintage vendors - both Brick and Mortar and Online . . .
and quite honestly . . . I am looking forward to every minute of it!!
Can't wait to show you more . . . :) xoxo - liz
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Why all the Vintage Store Love you might ask??
It is simple . . .
Because - I seriously LOVE seeing my friends be successful with their
Brick and Mortar, and Online Vintage Stores . . . especially now - in THIS economy!!
These people are not only TALENTED . . . but they also put their HEART and SOUL into what they do . . .
I believe that is what makes them so SPECIAL . . . and that is why I believe they are worth supporting!!
I for one . . .
plan to support them as much as possibly during this upcoming holiday season . . .
and quite seriously - am looking forward to every minute of it!!
So stay tuned . . .
as I show you some of my favorite finds within . . .
the Brick and Mortar, and Online community in the weeks to come . . .
I think you will not only LOVE IT . . .
but . . . I think you will also see that it really does make a difference . . .
within the lives of these store owners . . . but also within the community itself!!
Hope you will join me!!
Peace to all of you this holiday season . . . xoxo - liz
I second this - love what Pam does!
You are a true champion of everything local.
Keep it up, we need more of you around.
Thanks for sharing all your inspiration!
really wonderful....;)
xo Debra
To Tricia, Francisca and Debra . . . sooooo glad you all stopped by to see a bit of Pam's wonderful store - it is truly a gem!!! Hope you all have time to see her store during the holidays - it is always amazing and over-the-top beautiful!!! :) xoxo - liz
Great post...truly inspiring! Happy Holidays...Agnes
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