
A few favorites . . . Jan. 13, 2011 . . .

A few of my favorite things . . .
from pins . . . to posts . . . to websites . . .
from videos . . . to silly thoughts and ideas . . . :)

 One of my Favorite recent quotes . . .
from my quotes board . . . via my Pinterest Boards . . .

Truly one of the best things that ever happened to the internet!!

A Favorite piece of Luggage . . .
from one of my new favorite online stores . . . 

 Trust me - you will love it there!! :)

One of my favorite local Vintage Markets - 2nd Saturdayz!!
 Happens on the 2nd Saturday of each month . . .
and yes that is right . . . it is happening tomorrow - Jan. 14th!!

For more information - click here!!  or on Facebook - here!!

Source: youtube.com via Liz on Pinterest

And finally - a recent favorite video . . . 

It is very fun . . . and just a wee bit shocking . . .
but I think you will absolutely love it!!

Told you we were going to have fun this year!!! :)

Have a great Weekend everyone!!!

xoxo - liz


  1. Fun! Have a sweet happy weekend, Liz!

    : )

    Julie M.

  2. That suitcase is awesome! love the quote and I completely agree with you on the whole fabulousness of pinterest! t.xoxo

  3. HI Julie :). . . Hi Theresa :)

    Soooo glad you both stopped by . . . truly looking forward to this year!!!

    xoxo - liz


So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz