
The 2012 Show Calendar . . .

 2012 is going to be full of Great Vintage Markets . . .
Online Marketplaces . . .
and lots of time for friends and family!!!

I have reduced our Seabold Vintage Market schedule to include only a few Big Shows - other than our two local Seabold Vintage Markets . . . located here on Bainbridge Island! :)

So - here is where you will find me this year . . .

first up . . .

Ahhhhh - yes!!!
I have been wanting to be a part of Judy's show for almost a year now . . .
and finally - I am able to make it work with my schedule!!!  I can't begin to tell you all how excited I am - it is going to be AMAZING to say the least!!! 

here is a little video to give you an idea of what it is all about!!!

like I said - AMAZING!!! :) :)

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And then of course . . . this one - is most definitely one of my highlights of my summer . . .

not only do I get to attend one of the most wonderful markets ever - with the greatest customers ever . . .
I also get to spend time with these two amazing men - Joe and Jermonne!!!
I absolutely love these boys . . . and I love being part of their very special Flea Market Family!!

I wouldn't miss it for the world!!!

On that note . . .

I have added a list of many more great shows here in the Northwest and beyond!  It includes vintage friends . . . both new and old . . . and is also where I plan to do a little vintage shopping for myself . . . as well as spending time with my extended vintage family!

So - click here on the link . . . and enjoy!!!

Hope to see you all very, very soon!!! :)

xoxo - liz


  1. I am SO excited also Liz! California is going to LOVE you! See you soon. xo Judy

  2. I can't wait Judy . . . I have always wanted to be part of your lovely show!!!! :) I am very much looking forward to this!! xoxo - liz

  3. Hi Liz!

    I so appreciate you! Your style, your class, but especially your heart. You bring joy to Junkdom!

    I am determined to do Judy's show! She is an amazing lady as well! Way to go, I'm glad you're able to do it this year!

    Deb ;)

  4. Don't forget our Junk Salvation shows...April 27&28 Austin, TX...June 22&23 Puyallup, WA...August 4 CDA, Idaho...Oct 5&6 Hillsboro, Or and November 9&10 Puyallup, WA!

    We am trying to make it to your market in March! It will be nice to catch up with you.

    Linda & Dixie
    The Funky Junk Sisters


So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz