
a little Spring "Sting" . . .

Soooo . . .
I am doing a little fashion show as a fundraiser at my son's school . . .
and I think it is going to be called . . .

Spring "Sting"

with some student photography . . . spring fashion from local designers . . .
and a little - rock and roll!!


it is based a bit on . . .

"The Sting"

as the school just happens to be doing a production of the movie in February.

The storyline takes place in the 1930's . . .
which of course - opens it up for all the vintage fashion
that just happens to be so popular right now!!

It will include . . .

News Boy Caps

along with a little rock and roll!!
 with a little influence from Springsteen and Sting!!

And of course . . .
one of my favorite designers will be there . . .

Maresa Patterson
along with her new spring collection from . . .

Stella Love!!

 ( Stella Love 2011 )

We hope to use some of the props from the school play . . .
and as I said above - we are planning on using lots and lots of hats for styling purposes . . .

We want to take a bit of inspiration from the movie, and the school's production of it . . .
as well as keeping it current with today's fashion trends!!

Oh - and on that note . . .
as much as I love women's fashion . . .
this is a boy's catholic school . . .
so we are going to make sure there are also some
great Men's fashion as well . . .

 I am asking the boys at the school to help with the modeling as well . . . so it should be pretty interesting!!!
I am sure they will all look handsome as ever in their News boy caps . . .

but more importantly,

I know that they will not only have fun . . .
but I also believe that they will feel great about it . . .
as it is a fundraiser - raising money for their scholarship fund . . . and in this current economy - it is needed more than ever!!

Source: customellow.com via Liz on Pinterest

We will also be working with the photo class at the school to
try and get some great shots of local street fashion as well . . .
think - The Satorialist!!

And I also hope to incorporate the schools photography class to come and capture the spirit of the day!!!

( source unknown? )

So - if you know of any great local fashion designers
that would fit into the spirit of the day . . .
please send them my way!!

They can email me directly at - lizledorze@gmail.com

It really should be a ton of fun!!!

xoxo - liz

all photos via my "school fashion show" pinterest board - which you can see here!!


  1. one of my favorite movies, ever...I love this!

  2. Hi Liz, love your idea and it should turn out very well!! Hope you post some pictures of the event.

  3. AlexandrineJanuary 25, 2012

    If only I could have been near to "take part" of this beautiful project and help you ... L'arnaque is one of my favorite movie.
    Sure it will be a succes:) I long to see your pictures

  4. Hi Liz!!
    Awesome post!! LOve it all :)


So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz