
Life . . . Layered Cakes . . . and . . . Second Shout Out!!!

  I am soooooooo excited for 2012 . . . 
It is my last year before the big 50 . . . and YES - I do plan to live it up!!
It is kinda like this Cake that I have been wanting to make . . . I plan on adding lots and lots of layers this year!! I want it to be filled with fun and excitement - I want it to be a year that I will truly remember!!  
 This particular year is NOT going to be my simplifying year . . . nope - not at all . . . and secret truth is - I have always liked it this way!!
  I do like to start a new year fresh . . . taking a quick look back at the previous year and then quickly moving forward . . .
I can't begin to tell you how truly grateful I feel at the moment . . . 2011 was such an amazing year . . . for myself, my friends and family, and also for this crazy vintage world we live in!! It was a year to become closer with old friends and to bond heavily with new ones . . . it was a time for helping one another and a time for true thankfulness!!
I so look forward to much more of the same in 2012 . . . and I know it will again be filled with friendships and family . . . art nights with my daughter, Friday night football with my son . . . and hopefully a few more date nights with my sweet husband!! I also know that it will be filled with lots of hard work and dedication, a few vintage shows and online marketplaces, and hopefully much happiness, a ton of laughter, and true gratitude!! I will say here that it will most definitely be as happy, and as fun, and as rewarding as each of us want it to be - it is our choice!!
On that note . . . 
I have some very exciting news to share with all of you!! There is going to be a wonderful new online vintage marketplace that will be launching very, very soon!! I have been hinting around about it . . . and now I have to tell you that it is just around the corner! 
It is called . . . 
Second Shout Out 

It is going to be a truly AMAZING online marketplace . . . and it is going to absolutely ROCK the Vintage World in a whole new and exciting way!! The founders and masterminds of Second Shout Out are Quinton and Susan Hoover. They both have a whole new way of looking at the vintage world . . . and I think you will soon see just how much fun it is truly going to be!!

I have been dreaming of this type of online marketplace for a very long time now . . .
Dreaming of a go-to marketplace filled with all sorts of vintage goodness . . . an approachable marketplace that is filled with hand selected goods . . . a place that comes from passion and from the heart . . . a place you want to go to and be a part of . . . with items that are too good to pass up - or items that let you dream and save your pennies for!! 
And now . . . this type of online marketplace is not only going to finally exist - but I have also been given the opportunity to be a part of it all . . . as a contributing blogger for this very cool adventure!!
It is going to be such a fun year in 2012 . . . and to say that I am excited about all of this is truly an understatement!! I posted my very first introduction post on Second Shout Out just a few weeks back - right before I went away on the most amazing vacation I have ever had! (more on that later in the week) I did a post on something that is very close to my heart - Mid Century Modern and I included a fantastic video about Ray and Charles Eames who's work I adore!  (You can click here to view both the post and video.)
This first post is just the beginning of what I have in mind for the coming year - can't wait!!
Now that I am fully rested and ready for the new year ahead!! I can't wait to share all the year's details with all of you!! I have soooooo much to tell you about - including vintage show details . . . and also random thoughts on just about anything I find amusing :)
This year more than ever - I want to lighten it up and just have a lot of fun!!! :)
I do hope you will stop by from time to time and join me on what should be a truly incredible journey both here . . . and also on Second Shout Out!!! 
2012 is going to totally ROCK!!
I want to wish each one of you - the very best in the year to come . . . may it be filled with much joy . . . much happiness . . . great vintage treasures . . . and lots, and lots, and lots of delicious layered cake!! 
I believe that Cake is just like Life - it is always best when there are lots of layers to each of them . . . ummm ummm!! 
(no sheet cakes here baby!!)
And by the way - this amazing Banana Cake comes by way of Louisa Blackmore - who is going to be the Antique Restoration Contributor at Second Shout Out . . . she is also quite amazing in the kitchen!! 
Now I just have to figure out how to make this gluten free!! :)
Much love to all of you today!!
xoxo - liz
and also here on Facebook!
(all photos via Second Shout Out's blog)


  1. Just signed up Liz, congratulations!

  2. Will be off to look over Second Shout Out's site and, of course, the blog! Wow! What a great start to 2012! The cake doesn't hurt either. Just sayin'. ;)

    Happy 2012, Miss Liz!!! :)

  3. Tricia . . . You will love Second Shout Out . . . and I think that Susan there will also love what you are doing!! :) xoxo

    Ahhhh Mr. B. - always LOVE to see your comments - it truly is going to be a fun year!!! :) Totally miss you by the way!!! xoxo


So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz