Something very special happened here this last weekend . . .
for me . . . for my family . . . and for our little community here on
Bainbridge Island . . .
You see . . . it started out so simply . . .
we invited the Barn House Boys - Joe and Jermonne . . .
to come and be a guest vendor at our little Seabold Vintage Market
to help rock our little Island School House - just down the road from where I live . . .
And boy . . . let me tell you . . . did they ever ROCK our Old School House!!!
( just look at these photos!!! )

Photos Credit - Michael Jardine / Qamera
The whole Barn House concept is always wonderful, always charming,
always fresh, always beautiful . . . and their customers absolutely love what they do!!!
This time was no exception!!!

This time was no exception!!!
Many people do not know that our vendors are limited
to a very short time frame of only 2 hours to set up their booths.
That is two hours from the minute you pull up your truck . . .
to the moment the doors are opened!!
That is two hours from the minute you pull up your truck . . .
to the moment the doors are opened!!
Many vendors get a bit nervous about that kind of time frame . . .
which I completely understand . . .
But . . .
Not the Boys . . . instead - they embraced it!!

Photos Credit - Michael Jardine / Qamera
Everyone working side by side . . . all with the same goal in mind . . .
to bring really great vintage - displayed beautifully to our amazing customers!!!
There is not much time to chit chat . . . instead - we had a party later!! :)
It takes a bit of trust and hard work
to make this happen here at our little school house
to bring really great vintage - displayed beautifully to our amazing customers!!!
There is not much time to chit chat . . . instead - we had a party later!! :)
It takes a bit of trust and hard work
to make this happen here at our little school house
and let me tell you . . . it is always worth it!!

Photos Credit - Michael Jardine / Qamera
The customers were lined up like never before . . .
they knew the boys always bring their best to their shows . . .
The Sun came out and stayed out . . .
( I believe this may have been my mom's idea!! )
and it truly ended up being a perfect day . . .
yes - the lines were a little long . . .
and yes - it was a bit crowded for a while . . .
( we are working on some ideas for next time . . . )
but there was great vintage . . . there were smiles on peoples faces . . .
and it felt like a community . . .
from cute babies . . . to kids having fun . . . to dogs enjoying the sun . . .
and customers buying a bit of vintage . . .
while enjoying one of Meagan's famous cupcakes!!
and it felt like a community . . .
from cute babies . . . to kids having fun . . . to dogs enjoying the sun . . .
and customers buying a bit of vintage . . .
while enjoying one of Meagan's famous cupcakes!!
I love our local community . . . and I love our vintage community
I love our vendors . . .
and especially love and so appreciate our wonderful and loyal customers!!!!
I love our vendors . . .
and especially love and so appreciate our wonderful and loyal customers!!!!
people have always said . . . I should make it bigger . . . change it up . . .
but . . .
I guess I am kind of old-fashioned that way . . .
I know we are not the biggest or the fanciest . . . but we love what we do . . .
and we try very hard to give a little LOVE back . . .
and for me personally - that is what it is all about!!!
Joe and Jermonne understand all of this . . .
they "GET" all of this . . .
they truly understand what it is that we are trying to do with our little market . . .
and thank goodness that they "get" me as well :)
for all of this I am truly grateful!!!
I could go on and on about how much I love these two men . . .
and tell you from top to bottom how much they truly mean to me . . .
how they have touched my heart . . . and how much they inspire me . . .
I have been giddy for over a month now . . . from when they first said "yes" to the show . . .
to their first text message the boys sent me on their way up . . .
to long conversations . . .
to great meals together with family . . . and with close friends . . .
for me personally . . .
it was more than I could have ever imagined . . .
it was one of those very special moments in my life . . .
one that will always be with me!!
and tell you from top to bottom how much they truly mean to me . . .
how they have touched my heart . . . and how much they inspire me . . .
I have been giddy for over a month now . . . from when they first said "yes" to the show . . .
to their first text message the boys sent me on their way up . . .
to long conversations . . .
to great meals together with family . . . and with close friends . . .
for me personally . . .
it was more than I could have ever imagined . . .
it was one of those very special moments in my life . . .
one that will always be with me!!
I truly feel blessed . . . and very, very happy!!!

Photos Credit - Michael Jardine / Qamera
here with the very sweet . . . and very talented Joe . . .
I simply adore him!!!
photo credit - Lara Blair images - with her permission!!
And here is our sweet Jermonne with our sweet friend Kim . . .
and yes - I adore each of them as well!!!
( This photo is actually from last years Barn House Flea . . .
but I had to include it here - as I adore both of them . . .
and the feeling behind the picture is exactly how we were all feeling that day . . . )
( Thank you Lara for your permission to use this photo!! )
Lara Blair Images
Yes . . . it truly was a LOVE fest . . .
and I personally loved every minute of it!!! :)
They will always have a special place in my heart . . .
and even though I already miss them . . .
I am counting the days until their next Market . . .
especially their Flea in July . . . something you definitely do NOT want to miss!!

Thank you to all of those who come out and support our shows . . .
and especially for giving Barn House a big warm welcome
to Bainbridge Island!!!
LOVE and HUGS to ALL of you!!
xoxo - liz
More photos
on the BARN HOUSE facebook page!!!
"like" them . . . to get all the latest info :)
and on their blog . . .
also . . . our two sweet friends posted on the day . . .
Kim's post . . . - and - Michael's post . . .
Photos Credit on this post go primarily to Michael Jardine/Qamera . . .
Lara Blair images . . .
and also to Barn House as noted above!
( I was having way too much fun and forgot to take many pictures - lol )
I am counting the days until their next Market . . .
especially their Flea in July . . . something you definitely do NOT want to miss!!

Thank you to all of those who come out and support our shows . . .
and especially for giving Barn House a big warm welcome
to Bainbridge Island!!!
LOVE and HUGS to ALL of you!!
xoxo - liz
More photos
on the BARN HOUSE facebook page!!!
"like" them . . . to get all the latest info :)
and on their blog . . .
also . . . our two sweet friends posted on the day . . .
Kim's post . . . - and - Michael's post . . .
Photos Credit on this post go primarily to Michael Jardine/Qamera . . .
Lara Blair images . . .
and also to Barn House as noted above!
( I was having way too much fun and forgot to take many pictures - lol )
It was a magical day Liz!
GREAT BLOG Liz! Wonderful photos! We enjoyed ourselves sooo much last Saturday... and thanks again for the weather. We know you ordered it up just for us!!! I told you I was NOT going to cry during my toast to you and the Seabold Vintage Family during the after-party. AND, I told you again I was NOT going to cry when we had to leave to get on the ferry. BUT, I have to admit that I cried at work today reading your post AND me and Joe BOTH cried reading it together just now. Something VERY special did happen this weekend! It was magical!! Thank you for everything. And how WE recall it, Joe called you and asked to be part of your show. Thank YOU for saying YES. :o) We love you and your family. Thanks letting us just be J&J and for still loving us for who we are. It was also nice to be able to also tell you face-to-face how special this weekend was to us.
Much Love,
The Boys
Truly fun and beautiful wares! Thank you for bringing the love to our little island!
Oh, what fun, Liz! And you had gorgeous weather ta'boot! I'm sorry I missed it!
: )
Julie M.
Looks lovely!!
Yay! What a beautiful and inspiring Market you had! I had to miss it...out of town for my spouses BDay. Thank you for showing it so well here. Love it all Liz. You bring so much to this biz. Thank you ;)
Isn't being on Cloud Nine wonderful?!! It sounds like your show was amazing and I only wish I could make it!!
So happy for you!
Oh, I could cry after reading that - and seeing the photos of you and Joe and Jermonne and I. I LOVE those pics!!! It was truly a sensational day and I feel so blessed to have been able to be there to see what a group of amazing people can do when they put their hearts in it.
On a separate note, after reading Jermonne's comment, it is good to know that I am not the only "crybaby" as Joe calls me, in the bunch... :)
Can't wait to see you again my friend - you are such a gem!
Love to you and your fabulous family,
So sorry I missed this one. But so incredibly happy for you, and the growth of the show! What a score with the Barn House Boys! I'm looking forward to the next one!
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