
fall football . . .

For our family . . .
Fall is all about Football!!

 because of this young man . . . 

he is my son . . . and his name is Pierre . . .
and he LOVES football!!!

from Mud Bowls . . .


to a championship game . . .

to an undefeated freshman football season this year at O'Dea!! 
but the funny thing is . . .
football is truly so much more than just a game!!!

I love this video below . . . 
it gives me chills and makes me cry every time I see it!!!
(I especially love the words before and after the song itself)

hope you liked it too!!!

xoxo - liz

last year I posted more about pierre / football . . . here.


  1. Liz,
    As you know, my family is a football family too. I first heard Kenny Chesney's song in the wee hours of the night as my hubby and I were driving to Idaho to visit my youngest and attend his football game. The next day the head coach played this video on the big screen at the stadium and also added pics of the ISU team in practices and games, it gave me goosebumps too. As this season comes to a close I am sad to think that next year will be the last year I will ever have a son playing...15 years someone has been in uniform. Last Saturday was senior day at ISU and I realized then that it is almost over. Time flies so cherish it with Pierre!
    Linda FJS#2
    P.S. Hoping you will join us in Portland on Feb 5th!

  2. I love it so...and miss it so much. My son was the leading rusher his senior year, and was awarded MVP; we just enjoyed every minute of those days. Soak it all in my friend!! :)


  3. I have loved football ever since I was a young girl and my dad took me to West Point to see the Army play Ohio State. He taught me the game that day and I was hooked!
    I never missed a high school game and I later went and got a job for the New York Jets as a secretary back in the days of Joe Namath. Of course, my favorite job ever!!!
    I have three daughters who of course don't play but they love the game, too (but not as much as me). Sure hoping for a championship year for the Jets because I've been waiting a long time!
    Your son is adorable and I can imagine your excitement!

  4. wow listening to that song it reminded me of my dad and monday night football you see the sounds of football filling the fall air we always new it was fall and football time that meant daddy would be home and it meant we could eat in the living room on tv trays and be a family one more time not really knowing what the rules were or what the the calls meant to me and my sister it meant being able to spend time together as a fammily thank you for the reminder of how special it was on monday night xoxo sherri


So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz