
ice skating . . . ice boating . . .

I took my daughter ice skating the other day . . . 
we had a wonderful time and she absolutely loved it!!!

I told my daughter that I learned to skate about the same age . . .
but we skated on a frozen lake!

I know, I know . . . it sounds like one of those walking to school in the snow stories . . .
But - it was real and so much fun . . .
and I loved every minute of it!!

As for the boys in the family . . . 
(my dad, his friend Mac and my two older brothers)
well -  they preferred speed . . . and lots of it!

and I am not talking about skating . . .

I am talking about this . . . Ice Boating!!

 It is fast . . . and furious . . . 
definitely one of those extreme sports . . 

and they absolutely loved it!!

I tried it once and crashed . . . I stayed on the single runners after that :)

Winter is definitely on its way . . . 

What are your childhood memories?  Did you ever skate on a lake??

xoxo - liz


  1. I've never skated on ice, much less a lake. But my husband grew up in Michigan so he has skated on lakes and played hockey. The ice boating looks fun but scary!

  2. That is cool! The photos are fantastic... I've never heard of ice boating, it looks like they're having a great time :)


So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz