
on blogging . . .

On a personal note . . .

I have been thinking about several posts for a very long time
and plan to share them in the next few weeks.


because in this blogging world . . .

do we really show who we truly are?
what we truly believe?

I never thought I would be a blogger . . . not me??
In fact it all started out quite simply
as an information and marketing tool
for our vintage markets - directions, dates, pictures, etc. . .

and then it turned out to be something
completely and entirely different :)

yes . . .
it definitely does have it's ups and downs!

in fact there has been more than one time that I was ready
to throw my computer out the window!!

and yes . . .
I have cried like a baby . . . for all sorts of reasons!

The first time I remember crying was during the first few months when I thought I was responding to everyone's comments. My sweet husband looked over my shoulder and said sweetly . . . "I don't think those replies are going anywhere sweetie" . . . and I said "what?? - of course they are . . . they are going to this noreply at blogger and I am sure that everyone is receiving them . . . :) " And then a few moments later . . ."ahhhh - now everyone thinks I am awful and rude etc. . . " Of course the tears started to fall in buckets . . . why? Because I wrote these big long emails to people - and they never knew - and that personally made me very sad!!

I guess I should have read that blogging book
that everyone kept talking about . . . :)

I also cried at the computer when I read a post that was particularly sad, or inspirational, or sometimes even at my own posts when I realized how lucky I am to have such a beautiful mother, or father, or family or friends . . .

and sooooo many times I have cried for people I do not even know
and for whom I have never met . . . or ever will.

and then . . .

there was this whole blog list issue and following issue. Do I just do a few of my favorites? Or do I include everyone??. . . well of course that is what you do . . . and I started systematically adding everyone that ever left a comment, that were following . . . because - isn't that what you are supposed to do? Doesn't everyone do that? Isn't it the polite thing to do??
Could I keep up with it? Well of course I could!! (not) :) But not to worry . . . when things slow down a bit . . . of course I will get back to it and get it all updated :)

again . . . should have read the book!!:)

Of course the blog list started to get very long as I could not keep up with it . . . and then the question came to my mind . . . where are the blogs that truly inspire me? Well - maybe I need to categorize them in such a way that makes sense to my head . . . maybe that will help . . . days and weeks later . . . a job only partially done . . . and realizing that it is more confusing than ever!!

and yes . . .

I will probably change some things again
as I have planned to do so this month.
(most likely simplifying a bit . . . or maybe a bunch - as I have not yet decided)

but - what I truly want to say . . .
is this . . .

it is not about the blog list . . . or the number of followers . . .
or the number or comments . . . etc. . .

and quite honestly . . . I am glad I didn't read the book!!
Why you might ask?
because I am glad I experienced all of it . . .

for me . . .

it has been about the journey . . . about making mistakes . . .
about the true friendships that have been made . . .
about self expression of thoughts . . . and visual inspiration . . .
about a new appreciation for what I have that truly makes me happy . . .
some of it serious and important . . . and some of it not so much . . .

and I really, really like that :)

xoxo - liz

. . . best of luck to all of you who are just starting this journey . . .

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this post - I've been struggling with this whole blogging thing - I love the world of blogging - it has given me so much - but I'm not sure how to begin giving back.....


So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz