
Barn House "people" pictures . . .

I loved the Barn House Flea and . . .
all the vintage goods . . .

but most of all . . .

I loved the people!!

as they are certainly a very, very special group . . .
from the sweetest hosts, to the hardworking vendors,
to the most wonderful customers and to all the family and friends who
gathered on this very special day!!

lets start with one of the kindest men I have ever met . . .
just look at him . . . sweet, adorable, kind,
honest, warm, sincere . . . a very lovely man indeed!!

along side the very sweet Jermonne . . .
is Pam and Jane - who came all the way from Minnesota just for this Flea.
Yes - just for this particular flea market - can you believe it . . . well it is true!!

I met these two last year when I was a vendor at Farm Chicks . . .
and for me - they have been special friends ever since!!
(even if I see them only once a year!!)

and next up is sweet, sweet Joe . . .
I dare to say that he works harder than anyone I know
and he is amazingly talented to top it off!!
For me . . . he is a true artist and constantly inspires me!!

In fact . . . he worked so hard putting this wonderful show on . . .
that he just crashed like a baby in the arms of the queen when it was all over.

(I hear he isn't keen on the whole picture thing . . .
but I just love this series of photos below)

tired . . . very tired . . .

oh wait . . . is he waking up??

I do see a bit of a smile . . .

there he is - sweet, sweet joe!!

happy and content laying next to his good friend Cindy (the Queen of Tarte) . . .
the boy's favorite queen . . . and probably mine as well :)

One of the highlights for me this weekend was getting to know
Cindy a bit more . . .
she is a strong women, with a kind, independent and artistic soul . . .
in a few words . . . simply amazing!!
I truly feel lucky to have spent some time with her!!

Here is a picture of Kathrine (Kathrine's Folie) and her darling niece . . .
not only is Kathrine sweet and kind but this girl can bake and cook!!
You see - she is the one behind all those wonderful cupcakes,
chicken skewers, and salads . . . such amazing food . . .
and my favorite was the grilled jalapeno appetizers after the show!!
I started with one and then another - it was hard to stop as they
were soooo amazing!!
I am glad I had a chance to meet her . . .
and yes . . . she should really have a cookbook!!

and then there were all these cool gals at the flea . . .
new friends and old friends . . . such beautiful souls . . .
I so wish I had pictures of each and every one of them
but unfortunately only have a few . . .

first up . . .
my neighbors from last year at Farm chicks . . .

Lynn (GUND), Angela and Heather . . .
isn't this such a cute picture of the three of them!!!

and my new friend Lisa (A Thing For Roses). . .
she is exactly like I thought she would be - sweet as can be!!

and my new blogging friend Francisca
from the blog "Bee and Mason" who was also
the winner of my recent give-away!!

and then there were my very cool and extremely
talented barn neighbors . . .(Flutterby Farm)
Kim, Jessica and Madeline!!

Madeline even had a little lemonade stand near their booth . . .
(quite the entrepreneur!!)
My daughter Hattie (a few years younger) thought Madeline
was the coolest ever - as you can see! :)

and here is a picture of the two Hatties . . .
there seemed to be an instant friendship and
they spent most of the day trying to find the barn cats . . .

Here is Natalie's Hattie with one of them!!
(Love this picture!!)

and my all time personal favorite . . . my kids - Pierre and Hattie with the barn kittens! :)
This is one of my fondest memories of the Flea . . .
as my kids totally fell in love with these kittens

Having my family with me made these memories special . .
you see - they are my rock . . . my balance . . .
the ones that make me smile each and every day!!

Thank you again Joe and Jermonne . . .
as you are the ones who made this all possible!!
. . .
these are the types of memories that make up
a good life . . . a simple life . . . one worth remembering!!

Love and hugs to you both . . . you are truly the best!!

xoxo - liz

1 comment:

So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz