
on strength, tolerance and faith . . .

One more thought to share . . .

strength . . . tolerance . . . and faith!

this is a post I have been wanting to do
for a very long time . . .
a bit about myself and what makes me tick.

The three words above are extremely important to me!!

you see . . .
I grew up in a town where I was very much a minority!
and at the early age of 10
I learned what it was like to be judged.
Not for what I was . . . but for what I was not.
It was an awful time for me . . .
the name calling, the tears, the deep hurt that I felt!
It was a "group" thing . . . and I most definitely did not fit in.
I also knew right then and there - that I never would.

Life continued like this for years . . .
never really getting any easier.
But I did find ways to deal with it . . .
to make it less hurtful . . . to rise above it . . .
and to make the most of it!!
It was my life that I was living
and I did not want to be sad . . .
or angry about something I could not control!!

And from this whole experience (as hard as it was)
I can honestly say I feel very blessed!!
Blessed to have a better understanding of my thoughts
on these three very special words . . .

on strength . . .
As a woman - I have found strength where I was once weak.
I know that as a woman I can be strong within myself and be who I want to be . . .
regardless what others may think.

on tolerance . . .
I have found the importance of tolerance as I personally experienced intolerance.
I strongly believe in being tolerant of others . . . their ideas . . . and their beliefs!!

on faith . . .
I believe in faith . . . whether it is in oneself, a religion or
something else that centers one's soul! I also believe that we should respect each others' faith - as often this may differ from one's own!!
As I see it . . . this brings you right back up to tolerance . . .
and they right back up to strength :)

xoxo - liz

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So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz