Michael Jardine is the photographer and he took some really great photos!!
If you ever need a photographer for a photo-shoot . . . he is the man!! You can
view his website at www.qamera.com . . . he has taken some amazing
photos and has an incredible portfolio of work - it is definitely worth a look!!
Hope you like what you see . . .

"fresh vintage" . . . I love the color red . . . always have! I especially
like it mixed with cream . . . it keeps red soft without getting too "hot" as
it does with white. The twin beds above were in awful shape when I
bought them - so I had them powder-coated with a fresh coat of cream.
They still have that vintage feel but without all the rust . . .

a darling painted table . . . with vintage dishware, old flower frogs and red
bakelite knives . . .

vintage grain-sack pillows . . . an old mirrored cabinet . . . a painted
metal basket . . .

vintage clock and luggage . . . the red one is one of my favorites!

more vintage grain-sack pillows . . . the floral pillow is made from
one of kathryn ireland's fabrics and the bed cover and bird fabric is
from bainbridge blues. As I said in a previous post . . . I love to mix old
vintage fabrics with designer fabrics . . . vintage . . . fresh . . . classic!!

an old red locker . . . juggling and bowling pins . . . an old thermos . . .

vintage shaving brushes . . . cream painted drapery rings . . . baby shoes with bells . . . oh sooo cute . . .

my best bud helping me with displays . . . she is absolutely amazing . . .
Her name is Maresa - but I now call her g.g. (gigi) for she is a true golden girl - everything she does turns to gold . . . graphic design . . . window design . . . floral design . . . and she is also an amazing cook!!! I have known her since we were around 2 years old - I have lots of great stories - maybe a few not to be shared on the internet :) She is working on a new blog idea and for the summer-flea . . . she is working on something extra special . . . I can't wait to share it with you!!

the solid blue and solid cream pillows were made from vintage blankets . . . the other pillows are made from designer fabrics. The embroidered fabric is from chelsea textiles and the check is a rose tarlow fabric. Both fabrics are "to the trade" and need to be purchased through design professionals. A little more spending than some - but they are sooooo beautiful!! The front pillow - I had made from some of my piles and piles of fabric scraps . . . If you are wondering - "why the designer pillows"?? I have been in the design business in one way or another for over 20 plus years and I just cant help myself!! I love fabric - all kinds of fabric . . . I love mixing new and old and quite honestly . . . I love designer textiles so much that I have to have them around - and they look lovely with vintage . . . it is that "fresh vintage" that I truly love. And because of their quality - someday they will be wonderful vintage textiles for the next generations :)

cute cream dresser . . . with vintage luggage stacked high . . . great for
storage and much more "green" than plastic bins . . . and much
more beautiful as well!

vintage kitchenware with bed beyond . . .I love the creams and
soft blues-greens . . . I grew up in a very modern house with a very modern kitchen. In that kitchen was a big turquoise fridge . . . right next to the fridge was our large walk-in pantry stocked high with canned goods - pickles, bing-cherries, peaches. There was also a small door where the milkman put the milk directly into the pantry from the outside. When I see turquoise in a kitchen - it makes me happy . . . I remember going to a true farmers market and spending the day in the kitchen with my mom - canning until dark :) . . . modern house - vintage day!!

bainbridge blues came to the market . . . with ticking stripes, small checks, plaids, bird prints, and bedding all done up on a darling vintage bed. These fabrics are new with an old-fashioned vintage charm . . . perfect for mixing with vintage linens/bedding and many of the fabrics are the perfect weight for upholstering a great old vintage chair or sofa. They are made of hemp and were woven in Italy and are warehoused right here on Bainbridge Island.

memo samples . . . what are memo samples you might ask?? They are swatches of fabric to take home and try out before purchasing the fabric . . . the back of the card has the specifications such as the width, fiber content, repeat, origin etc. Interior designers use these samples all the time - especially on large projects to review with clients as well as when writing specifications. And now . . . they are available to you!!

some pillows made from bainbridge blues' fabrics . . . these fabrics are sold "through the trade" - through select interior design showrooms and one of my favorite design shops . . . Embellish!!

The vintage sofa and chair above . . . upholstered in bainbridge blues fabrics were not at the spring-flea but are available at a store called "Embellish" here on Bainbridge Island. Embellish is a wonderful home-store located on Winslow Way and is owned by an equally wonderful gal named Katrina. As I used to own a store on Bainbridge Island . . . I do know that shopping locally does make a huge difference to small business owners . . . especially in today's marketplace. Katrina is great!! I know you will love her and her store!!! I promise you wont be disappointed!!

we only had 2 hours to set everything up . . . it was down to the
last minute . . .

whew . . . we made it . . . gigi with a smile :)

open for business . . .

shopping . . .

shopping . . .

and more shopping . . . one of the first items to go was this vintage wire-form above . . .

market girls . . . and boys :)
(from left - fran, lorri, jeff, liz, greg, mudge and maresa) There are several people missing from this picture - we will be sure to get their pictures the next time around!!! As you all know - we could not have done it without everyone's help!! You were all so wonderful!!! - Love to each and every one of you!!

entrance to the Market . . .

our neighbor "Carl" and my old "51" ford . . .
Michael - fyi . . . the truck picture above is my favorite!! Thank you again - the pictures are amazing!!
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