
Red Cross Necklaces . . . what the Red Cross represents to me . . . and - Giving Back!!

To start with . . .
I just added a few more Red Cross Necklaces
from my dear friend Donna Clement to our . . .

I love these little necklaces . . .

simple . . . pretty . . . and a bit industrial and modern!!

but - what I love most about them . . . is what they represent!!!

People often ask me what the red cross truly mean to me.
Well to me - a few words that come to mind are . . .

hope . . . healing . . . inclusiveness . . . and kindness!!

You see . . . I learned this from my parents at a very early age . . .
my parents did a lot of volunteer work over the years . . .
and they knew how to give back!

From the Project Hope Ship years ago . . .

Project Hope Ship . . .

Project Hope - my dad is the handsome man with the Sunglasses in the center of the photo . . .

to volunteering in Haiti year after year . . . 
at the Albert Schweitzer Hospital . . .

Albert Schweitzer Hospital - Haiti . . .

I love the fact that you can see the cross symbol in the signs in this old photo!

And here below is a photo of a man I completely look up to - my Dad . . .
doing what he does best - caring for others!!

Helping others . . .
In it's simplest form . . .
the Red Cross to me is a reminder to give back to others . . .
especially for those who need it most!!

While writing this post I have decided to do something . . .
from here on out - I will be donating $5.00 for every piece I sell that has a red cross on it . . . Necklaces . . . Pouches . . . etc!!  
And I will also donate $10.00 for the larger Cross pieces such as the New Cross Pillows I will be adding in the next few weeks!!  

I do believe that this could really add up for someone in need!!

And just who will I be donating this money to?  
Well - I can't wait to share that in my next post - sooo stay tuned!!

ok. . . ok . . . I will give you a hint . . . :)
it involves children . . . and yes - they truly need it most!!

Have a GREAT day everyone!!
xoxo - liz


  1. I saw this on Kim Taylors facebook and clicked over- SO INSPIRING! I LOVE this- forwarding to people I know too. You not only have lovely items, but the story behind this is wonderful. BTW, my friend's great grandfather was Albert S, and I am forwarding to her as well.
    Geri Gordon Miller

  2. Hi Liz, just love this post. It is nice to know what is behind the use of the red cross. Bless you for sharing your money made with those in need. Sounds like you take after your parents. The world is a better place because of people like you and your family!!

  3. I loved reading your post. I hope that you'll indulge me and let me tell you why I love the RED CROSS too. It was the morning of September 11, 2001. I awoke to the horrible news about the terrorist attacks on our beautiful country. But my first thought was of that of my cousin, Dennis who worked for Cantor Fitzgerald in Tower 1. Because virtually ALL phone lines to the east coast were down for hours, I felt helpless sitting here in Seattle waiting and wondering. I was able to make contact with the UK offices of Cantor Fitzgerald. They in turn told me to contact the RED CROSS offices in NYC. They told me that as soon as they had any word, they would let me know if my cousin has been found, rescued, or worse recovered. The phone lines eventually opened up, and hours later we found out that Dennis was in fact gone. But the RED CROSS story doesn't end there. Since I had made initial contact with them, they continued to follow up with me, even offering financial assistance to myself and my family to travel to NY to be with our family. We all had the means to travel, but I wanted the RED CROSS to know that their kindness towards our family would never be forgotten. And so to this day, I will always be grateful for the amazing work of this organization. I will once again get to meet my contact in person next Tuesday, September 11 when I have been given the honor of reading names at the 9/11 Commemoration Ceremonies at Ground Zero. An honor in so many ways. Thanks Liz for letting me tell my story, and thank you so much for telling us yours. Patricia

  4. I would so love to support this cause and purchase one of these sweet necklaces. Could you let me know how to get one? I wasn't able to get through to any of the store links for some reason....

    you can reach me at lemonademakinmama@comcast.net

    Thank you so much!

  5. Here is the link to our On-line shop :)


    The shop was closed down for this past weekend as we participated in a local market here on Bainbridge Island. The Online shop is now up again!!

    Thank you for wanting to support this . . . I am quite sure it means more to these kids than we will ever know!!

    All the best to you!!! - liz


So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz