
One Brick at a Time . . .

I believe that . . .
some things in life are truly more important than others . . .

more important than coffee with friends . . .
more important than designing fabrics . . .
more important than shopping at vintage markets . . .

and even . . .
more important than a great football game on Friday night!!
(this coming from a mother who loves watching her son play football!)

Sometimes it just comes to you . . .
that you need to try and make a difference in someone's life . . .

and for me - this is one of those times.

I would like to introduce you to someone very special . . .
her name is - Barb Giraud!

Barb is the mother of a good friend of mine Kimberly Taylor . . .
whom many of you may know.

Barb has spent the last few years building a very special Orphanage in Uganda . . .
for Children who have lost their parents.

Many of these children have HIV and Aids.
These are beautiful, loving children whose needs are so basic . . .
like needing a roof over their head . . . clean clothes . . . fresh water . . .
and basic medical and schooling in hopes to better their lives in the future!!

Barb started out funding this project by . . .
making and selling one loaf of banana bread at a time.

Seriously - One loaf of Banana Bread at a time!!

Over the last few years . . .
many people have reached out to help her . . .
to build a safe haven for these children - one brick at a time.

This special place is called . . .
Barb's Home of Angels Orphanage

The home has been built . . . a new well with fresh water is now in place . . .
and a school is being built close by . . .

but at this moment . . .
what these children need most - is for the security wall to be finished

When the security wall is finished - the kids can finally move in . . .
they will finally have a safe place to sleep, and most importantly . . .
a place to call their HOME!!

I really want to help Barb finish this wall . . .
One Brick at a Time!!

So - as I said in a previous post here . . .
for each red cross necklace or red cross pouch I sell - I will donate $5.00
and for each Cross Pillow (coming soon to our on-line store) - I will donate $10.00

I am hoping that red cross sales from our Online store . . .
and the upcoming Ludlow Market on Sept. 29th . .
will help buy a brick . . . or two . . . or three - or more!!!

for instance . . .
Last week I sold this red cross necklace to someone in New York . . .

so - that is a $5.00 donation!! 

I know it doesn't sound like much now to start with . . .
just like Barb's bread probably didn't sound like much in the beginning either.

But - just like her bread . . .
it is my hope that the giving spreads to others . . .

to friends . . . to family . . . to our followers . . .
and even to strangers that we do not know.

I hope that in a short time - it will all add up to finishing this wall . . .
so that these children can move off the streets and into their new home!!! :)

If you would like to read more about
Barb's Home of Angels Orphanage
click here to read her blog!!
And - if you would like to donate a larger amount directly to this amazing cause . . .
you may do so by clicking here to go directly to their online fundraiser!

I do know one thing . . . that together we can make this happen!!!

Today - I count my blessings . . . Today - I am thankful for all that I have . . .

Today - it feels good to spread the word . . .
to give back to others . . . one small donation at a time!!!

Many blessings to all of you today . . .
xoxo - liz

(all photos via Barb's blog and . . . the online fundraising site)


  1. You are so absolutely amazing. I am constantly in awe of your kindness and love of those around you. I feel so grateful to call you friend~ Love you!

  2. Hi Liz, What a wonderful cause. You sold me and I just bought one of the necklaces. I will wear it proudly!!! Hope all is well with you.


So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz