
random thoughts . . .

on art . . . photos . . . and the reality of a visual life . . .

yesterday . . .
a question came up - concerning facebook photos . . .
and the replacement of my little yellow bread box photo 
which I am now using for my Seabold Vintage Market facebook page.

As I was looking for a new photo . . .
I came across this one shown here on this post.


This particular photo made me stop and think
about what a photo truly means to each of us . . .
. . . is it what we think it is??


or is it something altogether different??


This photo here is of me when I was a young girl . . . 
which is a bit funny to me . . .
as it has always seemed much more intense and thought provoking 
than I truly ever was!

If I didn't know this was me . . .

I would truly wonder about this photo . . .

who is that girl at that specific moment?
what was she thinking about?
is she happy? sad? and what was she thinking about?


and then as usual . . . I began to drift off to something else altogether . . .

how this image would make a great woodblock . . .
and how I could layer the colors in blues and greys . . . 
I could mix it with my mother's and grandmother's woodblocks in a mixed media collage format

and then moments later - I thought . . .
I will blog about it . . . yea - that is what I will do . . . :)

photos . . . art . . . reality . . .

as we all know . . . 
it is not always what it seems . . .


but it is part of life . . . and I am grateful for that!!! :)

xoxo - liz

 oh - I almost forgot . . . the story behind the picture . . . 

the photo was taken on an annual sunrise hike up the mountain that we did every spring . . . from the looks of it - I am not only tired but probably starving . . . and most likely a bit annoyed that I was having my picture taken . . . the photo next to it is in approximately the same location and taken about 10 years earlier with my mom and brothers . . . 

honestly - we have tons of these . . . as well as all the dinner table photos . . . 

and then there are the parades . . . 
my dad loved taking pictures of parades and still does today . . .

well . . . I will stop now and save this all for another time . . . lol :)

. . . love to each of you!!


  1. My grandpa was like that when it came to shooting my dad and his sisters. I think that is where I get my desire to document everything this little family does - I love looking back and remembering a moment that I might have otherwise forgotten~
    Thanks for sharing sweet friend,

  2. Sweet and beautiful story! Thanks for sharing! Glad & Cel

  3. Love your photos! I took my camera out for a play date yesterday. So great to see the sun. Took some fun pictures of my daughter Ashleigh and tweaked them in photoshop! They remind me of yours!
    Very fun!

  4. Amazing what you can do with a picture to change its "feeling".
    The real story was nothing like I imagined.

  5. What a beautiful post! Glad to see ou have another show coming up. Hoping to make it!
    Have a Wonderful week!

  6. it is so darling... i love it. ....xoxo

  7. Liz,
    Thank You so much for the 'Welcome Back" comment.
    I love this image,it would be fantastic blown up on a canvas.
    I adore black and white photo's !!


So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz