
the 60's . . .

a partial re-post for today . . .

In memory of . . .
Dr. Martin Luther King

. . .

. . . a few things you may not know about me . . . 
I love, and I mean love the time period of the late 50s and early 60s . . .
I love the music, I love the fashion, I love the art,
I love the changes that took place during this time . . .
both socially and politically . . .

I love Andy Warhol . . .
especially in the early years . . .

he was ahead of his time . . . in pop art . . .

and film . . .
and he would have absolutely loved this blogging world!!

here is an interesting look at his screen test of his . . .
"it girl" -
Edie Sedgewick

One of my all time favorite movies is "To Sir With Love"
 with Sidney Poitier . . .
It is truly a wonderful movie . . .
and a must see if you haven't yet seen it!!

The gal (Judy Geeson) dancing with . . .
"Sir" (Mr. Poitier) above . . .

and shown here . . . 
reminds me so much of "Duffy" . . .
from the "Mercy" music video 
below . . .

( I originally heard this song at "the Queen of Tarte" - she always has
great music playing on her blog!! )

and let's not forget . . . our ever wonderful . . .
. . . during those years . . .

but probably most importantly . . . 
was one of the most influential people of that time . . .
 the one and only . . .

Dr. Martin Luther King

and his "I Have A Dream. . . " speech . . .

There was so much going on during this time . . . 

it was such a strong movement and has made us who we are today . . .

as we all know many of these stories had tragic endings . . .
unfortunately we know them all to well . . .

but I am thankful for the growth and changes that took place
as we now live in a very different world because of them!!

this is what is truly important . . . to me!!

xoxo - liz


  1. Thanks for sharing the memories.

  2. Love parts of these decades too, but not nearly as much as I love you, fabulous Liz. Your blog is fresh, very fun (like you), introduces me to new people and ideas, and often coaxes fond memories of other things I hadn't thought about in years. And it's always good to know another fabric junky, although I don't design it like you do!!! Thank you. xx

  3. What a great collective. Certainly some tragic endings for some truly pivotal people.

    Have you read Edie by Jean Stein? Wonderful book about the times.

    My husband and I sail and have made many friends in that world, I was pleasantly SHOCKED when I found out one of our boat buddies, an older woman, a very cerebral, scientist-y type, was one of Warhol's muses. I found out when I saw her name and photo flipping through a Warhol book at her house. I can't wait to sit down with her, on our boat under the stars this summer, and hear all about it. Maybe I'll make some Campbell's soup. I'll definitely blog about it.

    GREAT Post! Great world changing legends. Happy I found your blog, can't wait to peruse around.

  4. I love so much about that era too! Much of the home and fashion styles are a part of me today! I love the movies and music of that time. There was much too take in from that transitional time! I love the "I have a Dream" speech. May we all live according to the content of our hearts and not the color of our skin. Our actions speak louder than anything else.


So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz