
a sweet surprise . . .

a gift from a fellow blogger . . .

yes . . . 
she must have known that I liked red crosses 
when she sent this to me . . .

but . . . I am quite sure that she had no idea
of how much this would truly mean to me . . .
especially at the time that it was sent - in late October.

 I was very surprised . . . I smiled from ear to ear . . .
I jumped up and down . . .
and then . . .

I sat down and . . . I cried . . .
(bawled like a baby actually)

you see . . . it has been a very long year . . . 
and this gift of friendship came 
when I truly needed it the most!!

her name is Laurie . . . 
and I met her at Barn House this last summer.

I enjoyed getting to know her a bit during the market . . .
and I loved the fact that she was always smiling!! :)

Currently . . . I am absolutely loving 
these cross stockings!!

they are from her and her sister-in-law Debbie's 
 space called . . .

Worthy Goods 

shown here at the . . .

Monticello Antique Marketplace
(a perfect place to do a little holiday shopping!!) 

Thank you again Laurie . . .

not only for the sweet gift - which I love!!!

but for your kindness and friendship . . . 
it truly meant the world to me!!

Blessings to you and your family!!
xoxo - liz


  1. Oh Liz, I love how happy Laurie's sweet and so you gift made you! What a wonderful warm post. Someday I'll have to tell you my story about meeting the two charmers from Worthy Goods, as they chased me all over BarnHouse' summer flea a couple years back.

  2. Now it's my turn to sit down and cry! What a sweet thank you...

    Many blessings to you and yours this holiday season...


  3. How very kind of Laurie. It sounds like she really brought you some joy and that is a treasure.

  4. Oh, how lovely is that!

    : )

    Julie M.


So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz