
Artist Love . . . Kathe Fraga!!

I simply love everything about this artist . . .
both her and her paintings!!

her name is . . .

Kathe Fraga!!

and . . . she is one of my all time favorite artists!!

Les Fleurs de L'lle
( 36" x 24" ) 

The paintings shown here are from her . . .

"French Wallpaper Series"

a collection of paintings intended 
to evoke the hand-painted timeworn walls
of a grand old Parisian mansion.

 ( 36" x 24" )

I think they are all just so beautiful . . . and I love
so many things about them . . . from their clear colors,
to the flowers, petals and vines . . .
to the sweet song birds and butterflies!

The paintings have an old-world charm about them
and yet they are fresh and romantic . . .
just like the first day of spring!

 ( 36" x 24" )
(Swedish Medical Center)

 I just found out that . . .
Swedish Medical Center 
picked up three of her paintings recently
for their own collection. 
(the "Paris" painting above being one of them)

The paintings have this beautiful old world texture to them!

Kathe uses acrylic on frescoed canvas and
finishes them with lacquer . . . 
creating a depth you just can't see here in pictures.

I am very excited for Kathe and . . .
am not at all surprised at her success as an artist
as her work has always left me speechless . . .

for more information and gallery locations
click here . . . www.kathefraga.com


xoxo - liz 

. . . 

I do not know if Kathe will remember this or not . . . 
but I remember that one of the first times I met her years ago 
at my old shop (probably 1999/2000) . . . she had a smile on her face and
this little old piece of wallpaper in her hand that she was trying to find more stock of.
I think the paper may have been discontinued - but . . . I knew right then and there
that I liked her because of her smile and her simple love of wallpaper.
(you see - I love wallpaper . . . and at that time - not too many people 
wanted to talk about wallpaper)

A few years after that . . . 
I remember seeing the first few pieces of this collection . . .
 I told everyone I knew that they had to go to the gallery . . .
and see for themselves!!

Since then . . . well . . . the art speaks for itself . . . 
and as a person . . . well . . . 
Kathe is just as beautiful as any of her paintings - both inside and out!!!

As for me . . . well . . . I am saving up to buy one . . . can't wait!!


  1. These are Gorgeous! What a talent! Thank you so much for sharing her work.

  2. How beautiful! What a talented artist... I am a lover of wall paper as well, Kathe takes it to a whole new level!

  3. Oh my...her painting are gorgeous!!
    Thanks for sharing:)


So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz