
Smiles . . .

Winners of the . . .

when I see smiles like these - it makes me smile too . . .

Beth . . .
the finder of the white enamel cup . . .
just look at this smile!! :)

Kristi . . .
finder of the sewing attachment box!!
This one was a bit hard to find - as there happened to be two of them at the sale . . .
one was part of the finders keepers game and one was not . . .
Kristi found both!! :)

Mindy . . .
finder of two finder keeper items!!
One of my favorites . . . a red "nehi" bottle
and also some very beautiful . . .
vintage earrings!!
happiness and a smile - times two!! :)

I am not sure who found the blue fire-king creamer . . .
just found out - my friend Carrie found it!!

The "finders keepers" game is by far
one of my favorite parts of the Market . . . truly!!!

xoxo . . . liz

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So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz