
Opening Flea . . .

Thank you all for stopping by

Seabold Vintage Market's Opening - Flea
last Saturday!!

The flowers were blooming . . . the sun was out . . .
and it was truly a magical day!!

Below are some pictures of our little market here on . . . Bainbridge Island!!

as promised . . . lots of . . .
Vintage Blues!!

and great found objects . . .

and some
vintage-blanket cross pillows . . .

(mixed in with some great designer-fabric pillows)

We introduced our . . .
"Hattie Girl"
clothing line
(for young girls - 4 to 7)

And our fantastic Vendors had lots . . .

and lots . . . of really great . . .

. . . vintage items!!!

Thank you - to each and everyone of our vendors below . . .

for bringing this all together!!
(in two hours - no less)

Heather, Leah and Mike, MaryJane,
Carolee and Bob,
and also to our last-minute outside vendors . . .
Sylvia, Greg and Pierre.

the market would never happen without the help of so many . . .
here are a few pictures of my family and friends . . .
who I adore!!

Deb and RaeJean . . .
they have helped me out at the cash station the last couple of markets . . .
and I couldn't do this without them - truly!!!
They are both sweethearts!!

Meagan and Pierre!!
These two are our sunshine . . .
Even when they don't know it - they are on our minds - constantly!!
(Meagan is also our cupcake gal!! And . . . she makes the best cupcakes ever!!)

We put them out a little late . . .
but - they were worth the wait!! :)

and here is Meagan along with my . . .
mother-in-law Katie - who did all the beautiful flowers!!
And also my dear friend Mariela (who was expecting at any moment!!) and her darling daughter Cyrinne . . .

Of course - the only thing on Cyrinne's mind . . .
were the cupcakes and the frosting!!!

and here is my Hattie Bird - enjoying the market in her own little outfit . . .
she definitely has a spirit all her own!!

Even my father-in-law Tom pitched in!! Here he is holding onto a customer's dog -
while they packed their car full of treasures!!

And Jeff and Mehdi were a huge help in the lifting and packing department!!! :)

Here is a close-up of this cute dog!!
(The owner of this darling dog and her girlfriends
came all the way up from Olympia!!)

Here is a picture of the back of their van . . . with all their treasures!! :)

I also met some wonderful bloggers this time at the Market . . .
there is always something special about a blogging friend!!

Let me introduce you to one of them . . .
Erin (on the right) along with her friend Tessa!!

the picture is from Erin's blog which you can see here . . .

What I like about her blog is that it is sweet and real - just like she is . . . that - and of course just look at her smile - I like happy people . . . I find it contagious!!

She also likes Tom Petty . . . and what's not to like about that!! :)

and finally . . . the last few photos . . .

My favorite item of the day!!

and some fun vintage industrial . . .

"Thank You"
to all of you for coming and enjoying the day with us!!

We so enjoyed having you!!

until next time!! (May 15th)
. . . xoxo liz

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So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz