
Stella Love . . .

Stella Love

is a new vintage dress line . . .

by an extremely talented dress designer
and my very best friend . . .

Maresa Patterson!!

the dresses are beautiful . . .

cool . . .

edgy . . .

and simply sweet . . . just like the designer herself!!

You can visit her website here at . . .

Her dresses have names like Blanche, Mabel,
and Grace. . . each having their own unique story . . . including
old pink cadys
with smoked fins . . . red velvet cakes . . .
Euro Saarinen's tulip chairs . . . and martinis!!
It is truly a wonderful read . . . and worth every minute!!

My personal favorite dress is . . .
when you see it - I think you will know why!!

Maresa was also recently interviewed about Stella Love . . .
by Laura Cassidy in February's Seattle Metropolitan
You can read about it here . . .

Turn of the Centuries
A conversation with dress designer Maresa Patterson.

Stella Love
is sold directly through the website at . . .

and through
Jack Straw
a very cool clothing store here in Seattle!!
(A great mix of rock and fashion . . . clothing at it's very best!!)

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So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz