
some of my favorite things . . .

in keeping with the previous post on

Stella Love & Jack Straw . . .

I would love to introduce you to a wonderful singer/songwriter . . .

Aimée Ann Duffy

photo from www.amazon.com

I thought I would share with you one of my favorite songs and music videos ever!! I love everything about it . . .
and I could definitely see it playing on an interior brick wall . . .
bigger than life!!

I love the men's fashion here . . . not to mention Duffy's look and her beautiful voice as well . . .
one of the best video's ever!!

So here it is . . .
"Mercy" . . . by Duffy
( I originally heard this song at "the Queen of Tarte" - she always has
great music playing on her blog!! )

A few things you may not know about me . . . I love, and I mean love the time period of the late 50s and early 60s . . . I love the music, I love the fashion, I love the art,
I love the changes that took place during this time . . .
both socially and politically . . .

so . . . first up . . .

I love Andy Warhol . . . especially in the early years . . .

he was ahead of his time . . . in pop art . . .

and film . . . and he would have absolutely loved this blogging world!!

here is an interesting look at his screen test of his . . .
"It girl" -
Edie Sedgewick

Next up . . .

One of my all time favorite movies is "To Sir With Love" with Sidney Poitier . . .
It is truly a wonderful movie . . . and a must see if you haven't yet seen it!!

The gal (Judy Geeson) dancing with "Sir" (Mr. Poitier) above . . .

she reminds me so much of "Duffy" . . .
from the "Mercy" music video
at the beginning of this post . . . if you see the movie you will know exactly what I am talking about!! :)

and let's not forget . . . our ever wonderful . . .
. . .

and of course the wonderful . . . Dr. Martin Luther King . . .

and his "I Have A Dream. . . " speech . . .

There was so much going on during this time . . . it was such a strong movement and has made us who we are today . . .

as we all know many of these stories had tragic endings . . .
unfortunately we know them all to well . . .

but I am thankful for the growth and changes that took place
as we now live in a very different world because of each and everyone of them!!

this is what is truly important . . . to me!!

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So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz