
my new website and blog - Komedal Road . . .

Hi everyone!!

I just wanted to give you a little glimpse . . .
of what I have been up to lately - from my new Website and Blog . . .

Here are a few photos from the blog . . .
that will give you an idea of what it is all.

I hope you find them inspiring! :)

For a long time I felt the need to have a Website and Blog where I could share the many things that truly inspire me - a bit more than fresh vintage goods . . .

a place where I could also share my love of great designer fabrics . . .
food from my kitchen . . . time in my studio . . .
and a bit about my family and such.

So even though I knew it would be a step backward in some ways
and perhaps a bit more complicated . . .

I gave it some thought and decided to take the plunge!
I am happy to say - that for the first time since I started blogging . . .
it finally all makes sense to me!

Looking forward to the journey ahead - I have so much I want to share with you!!

Hope you will join me!! :)
 xoxo - liz

Komedal Road

Komedal Road - Blog
Komedal Road - Facebook


  1. One thing I adore about you is your incredible sense of style- and your new blog is no exception. I love the clean look of it and that you have tied together all of your "parts" in one place. (not to mention the color scheme is absolutely divine!!)
    Congratulations my friend- so proud of you and your beautiful work.

  2. Ahhhh Kim - Thank you so very much for all your sweet words!! It was a scary leap that I was a bit nervous taking as you well know - lol :) Your words, friendship, and support mean more to me than you know!! Have a truly awesome weekend!! Much love - liz


So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz