
Folk Magazine . . .

In just over a year
Ben Ashby and his team . . .
have produced a Magazine they should be really proud of!!

It is called . . .

Real.  American.  Living.

The Magazine started out with a manifesto all about . . .
sweet tea . . .  home-made pie . . .
and oh yes . . . the good old days!

I sat back and watched to see where they were going
with their lifestyle brand . . .
wondering just what it would end up looking like!

Well . . . long story short . . .
it went from being a Kentucky based Lifestyle Brand . . .
to an True American Lifestyle Brand . . .

it is fresh . . . and authentic . . .
and is all about Local and American made goods . . .
with great content . . . photography . . .
and interesting stories to be told

In one word . . . WONDERFUL!!

And - it really is all about . . .

Real.  American.  Living. 

Yes Ben Ashby . . . you and your team did it . . .
you had the confidence to take hold of the reins . . .
and to make something you are all proud of . . .

and in turn . . .
something that we all LOVE!!

Thank you so much for that!! :)

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So here is to a GREAT brand in the making!!!

Sit with me a moment . . . have a hot cocoa . . .


and let's be inspired - by all things . . .

yes, yes - those are the boys of Barn House in one of the earlier issues!!
Gotta LOVE those boys!!

If you would like to see more inspiration . . .
just hop on over to their amazing new blog . . .

I truly think you will LOVE it!!
The Magazine currently comes out 6 times a year and is worth every penny!!
and . . .
if you want to see what this amazing Magazine is like first hand . . .
just be one of the first five people to leave a comment . . .
and I will pop it in the mail to you - just like that!!

This IS the GIVING season you know . . . :)
 Happy Holidays Everyone!!
xoxo - liz

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(photos courtesy of Folk)


  1. Oh - I would love to check out this new to me magazine - looks delicious!

  2. I would love a copy of FOLK... thanks so much!

  3. Wow, this mag looks like it's right up my alley – the photography is simply mouth watering! (and I'm not just talking about the food stuffs!) Would love a copy to check out in person :)

  4. It is gorgeous! I am in love with those goats! : )

    Thanks for sharing it Liz!

  5. I've been a subscriber since before the first one came out and I LOVE it! Not only the magazine, but the whole concept. Ben has done such an amazing job!
    Thanks for giving them a shout out!

  6. Looks like an awesome magazine, thanks for sharing!

  7. Hi everyone!!! Please send me your addresses so I can pop these magazines in the mail to you!! :) xoxo - liz

  8. Email is lizledorze@gmail.com


So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz