
A day at Ludlow Market . . .

The Ludlow Market was soooooo much FUN!!

The sun was out . . . and the customers were smiling . . .
and there was a ton of GREAT Vintage!!!

Fall was in the air . . .
and the vintage vendors most definitely had the goods!!

I absolutely loved what "Odd Cloth" brought to the market . . .
from plaids . . . 


to Artwork . . .
and everything in between!!

( Marty and Stacy ) 

Stacy Grega of "Odd Cloth" always, and I mean always, has the goods!!!

and Jodi of the Weekender had some amazing finds as well . . .
I just love these fun stools!!

and of course . . . my dear friend Kathryn from Petit and Olson . . .
always has what I love . . .

just look at these amazing tartan golf shoes!!

and this amazing wool tartan blanket!!

and of course . . .
brought some amazing Vintage as well . . .

wish I had taken more photos of all of Rick's vintage goodness!!!

You can visit him on his website / blog here . . . and on facebook here!!

I think you are really going to fall in love with him and all his vintage goods . . .
 personally - I am hoping he opens up a wonderful store sooner rather than later!!

And not to forget . . .
a few things from my little Seabold Vintage Market space . . .

a little bit of everything . . .

including some Bainbridge Blues bedding . . .

Hattie Bird clothing for girls . . . and some fun industrial pieces!!

There were some great vendors outside as well . . .
but unfortunately I was not able to get many photos
as I was busy setting up my space and of course chatting it up with old friends.

To see more photos from the market click on over to . . .
the facebook page of . . .
"Backroads of Bainbridge"

And then . . .

one of my favorite moments of the market . . .
was when a customer drove up in this . . .


a darling little French Citroen . . . and yes it was in my favorite color - Red!!

It was not for sale . . . and that is probably a good thing!
Especially since I had already spent a big chunk-of-change earlier in the day . . .
Yes - I did it . . . I bought something really fabulous . . .
and I can't wait to share it with you in an upcoming post!!

All in all . . .
it truly was a WONDERFUL day . . .
and as always . . . my little Hattie girl had a blast at the market . . .
shown here with a couple of her new sweet market friends!!

and last . . . but most definitely not least . . .
I just want to say a great Big "Thank You" to Rick from . . .

Ludlow Market!!

"Thank you" again Rick - it was such a lovely day . . .
full of sunshine . . . friendship . . . and laughter!!

Soooooo glad you moved into the neighborhood!!! :) :)

Sending out much love to all of you today . . .
especially to all of you amazing vendors and customers
that make this vintage world so special!!

xoxo - liz


  1. More and more I love adding vintage or retro touches to my home. What great vendors. Thanks for sharing.

  2. pve . . . soooo glad you stopped by!! :) xo - liz


So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz