
Vintage Goods . . .

A few Vintage Goods that I am bringing 
to the Market this next Saturday!!

Hope you can make it!!!  :)
. . . . . . . .

The Ludlow Market is going to be located at the Seabold Community Hall . . .
on Sept 29th . . . from 2:00 - 6:00pm!!
(it is at the same location as our previous Seabold Vintage Markets!!)

There will be some amazing vendors . . . great vintage . . .
and it will surely be a ton of fun!!!

See you on Saturday!!
xoxo - liz


  1. It all looks lovely. Wish I could be there!!

  2. AAAAGGGGG! I manage to miss these markets almost every time. Can I get on someone's mailing list?

  3. Annette - I wish you could have been here too . . . perhaps next time!! Would love to see you again!! :)

    Karen - email me at lizledorze@gmail.com and I will make sure to put you on the list! I will also give it to Ludlow to make sure you don't miss one in the future!! You can also check back on our blogs or "like" us on Facebook!! Would love to have you join us!!! :)


So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz