
Texas Vintage in Black and White . . .

I took hundreds of photos in Texas . . .
and I had a great time learning about my new camera!!

Here are a few of my favorite photos . . .
in Black and White!

an old doll head with quirky smile . . .

 some European night-dresses in cotton and linen . . .

a wonderful religious statue . . .

 and some fantastic French enamelware! :)

There was truly a photo opportunity around every corner . . .
it was soooooo much fun!!

To see more of Texas Vintage(in full color) go to my weekly Friday's Favorites post on Second Shout Out - click here to see this weeks post!!

Happy weekend everyone . . . crossing my fingers for sunshine!!!

Much love to all of you!!
xoxo - liz

 Photo Credit - Liz Le Dorze
( Please feel free to Like them, Love them, or Pin them!! )


  1. So many gorgeous things. They look especially snazzy in black and white.

  2. love these! especially fond of the french enamelware shot!


So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz