
Online Vintage . . .

 Fresh . . . Vintage . . . Goods . . .

two times a week . . .

Wednesday evenings - 6:00 pm PT
Saturday mornings - 8:00 am PT 

at our . . .

 yes . . . that is right . . . 
we will be adding some really great vintage twice a week . . .
to our little online vintage store!!

( like the ones added last weekend - here below )


I am sooooo excited about all of this . . .
and can't wait to share more with all of you in the weeks to come!!

It is just going to get better and better!! :)

for instance . . .
a few of my favorite vintage friends will be joining us
here and there - with all their vintage goodies as well!!

Like I said . . . it is going to be a blast!!

oh - and one last thing . . .
our Online Store is now linked . . .
to our Facebook page . . . you can see it here!!!

so now you can just click . . . click . . . click . . .
and you will be instantly linked to our on-line store!!

So come and join us - and have some vintage fun!!

Hoping you are all having a fabulous week . . .
hugs and kisses to all of you!!

xoxo - liz


  1. It is all looking so cool, Liz!

    : )

    Julie M.

  2. Hi Liz, I am so excited for your online shoppe, do you mind if I do a post on it on my blog? hope you have a good weekend, Tara.

  3. @ Julie . . . Your are always soooo sweet my friend!! xoxo

    @ Tara . . . Of course you can!!!! :) :) . . . it would truly mean the world to me!! Hope you have a lovely weekend as well!!! :) xoxo


So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz