
a little something to blog about . . . :)

W o w . . .
would you just look at these . . .

Can you say . . . L O V E !!!
(just saw these on Second Shout Out this morning)

 U L T R A   C O O L  . . .  U L T R A  H I P

just like the designer behind this collection!!

Yes . . . the latest furniture collection from . . .

NuBe Home

here in Seattle . . . has been designed by my lovely friend . . .

Maresa Patterson

I have seen her use Vintage Blankets on her own furniture - in her own home . . .
And I have to say . . . I am so glad she is now sharing this with the rest of the world!!

and just in case you were wondering . . .

yes . . . she is the same gal who designed the wonderful
vintage inspired clothing collection called . . .

To read more about this and other really great vintage . . .
check out my new favorite blog . . .

Second Shout Out!!!

I think you will love it!!

Thanks again Susan for sharing such wonderful Vintage with all of us . . .
this morning made me soooo happy when I saw
Maresa's collection for NuBe Home in your most recent post!!

Second Shout Out!!!

it is simply amazing . . . can't wait to see more :)

xoxo - liz


  1. Ooooh….that sofa would be PERFECT in my house. Very cool!

    : )

    Julie M.

  2. fabulous furniture!!! especially the love-seat/couch! thanks so much Liz for your visit and comments on my blog. it means si much:)


So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz