
Ruffles and Rust continued . . .

A few more photos from . . .
The Ruffles and Rust Show 
last weekend . . . 

I absolutely loved this dress form . . . from Kris and Amy's booth . . .
isn't she just wonderful!!

Todays Country Store

and then there were these lovely pillows from Isabel's booth
which were gone in a flash . . .

Maison Douce

and then there was this display . . . from Patricia's booth . . .
which completely reminded me of spring . . .

Tippy Stockton

 as did this beautiful display from Brenda and John's booth!!!

I so wish I would have snapped up more photos . . . 
as there were so many lovely things!!

I personally believe that these markets are soooo much more
than just vintage goods . . .
these markets are about friendships  . . . both new and old . . . 
they are about sharing smiles, conversations,
 and a good laugh . . . and sometimes - even a few tears . . .
I soooo look forward to seeing you all again . . .
at one of our upcoming shows . . .
and . . .
. . . by the way . . . we are going to have a very special guest vendor 
at our little market here on Bainbridge Island . . . 
can't wait to share it with all of you tomorrow!!

xoxo - liz
to see more photos from last weekend - click on their facebook page - here!!

and don't forget . . .
Ruffles and Rust Square (the store) is opening on March 1st!!!
( to see their facebook page with all the details - click here!! )


  1. Looks like so much fun! Would love to be able to get there!

  2. Thanks for sharing, I felt like I missed so much, but got to see so much from blogging. Florence

  3. You are so right Liz. These shows really are about friendships. I love reconnecting with all of my junkin friends. Thanks so much for including that lovely shot of my booth. I'm hoping to get to 2nd Saturdays in two weeks. Until then . . . hugs to you!

  4. It's fun re-living the show through your pics. Our tastes are very similar! A special vintage show like Ruffles & Rust is like the best family reunion ever. As well as a wonderful chance to make new friends.

  5. Yummy!! So wish I could have been there. Thanks for sharing Liz!!

  6. my business partner Jennifer is going to be at the 2nd Saturdayz on March 12 with her soap!! Hope you can meet!


So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz