
for all you bakers out there . . . a must see video!! :)

  I came across this picture on Pinterest . . . 
and almost fell off my chair . . .


you see . . . I spent some time in Rome in my 20's . . .
and my friend Alex and I ate here almost every day 
for about 3 months . . . 

it really was one of the most amazing bakeries . . .

so then - I looked them up on the internet . . . 
and saw this very cool video . . .

(I tried to add the video here for about an hour - but gave up . . .)

but trust me . . . 
I T    I S    S O    W O R T H    S E E I N G!!
(and keep watching as it gets better and better!!)

Again . . . I think many of you are going to love this!! 

xoxo - liz


  1. If I wasn't sick with the flu, I might have just gained 10 pounds watching that incredible video! How can a gluten-free girl withstand such visual carbo-loading!!!

    Thanks for that, Liz . . . what beautiful food!

    Happy holidays to you and yours,

    xo Debi

  2. Liz... Oh... My... Goodness!!!! It looks so yummy!!!! What an amazing video!! Wish I had know about this place when we were in Rome, we didn't even make it to Campo de Fiori!!

  3. Oh. my. goodness. I want to live there! I can see why you ate there almost everyday for three months. The video was great...

  4. Oh Liz, what a wonderful video. You were right, it did get better and better as it went. Can't believe the variety they have. How could you possibly decide what to pick? Now I can see why you would go there everyday for three months. You would have to to try everything. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I'm inspired to make pizza tonight! That was such an interesting video! They mass produce and yet everything has a very handmade touch to it. Ooh, I'm still drooling. A deliciously dangerous place for gluten-free eaters.

  6. Hi Liz! Wonderful Video! What wonderful comfort food. My grandparents came from Italy, many of the delicious foods~carbohydrates~ I remember my Nana, mother and aunts making, and now I bake with my girls. This video surely has taken me back to my roots.
    I'll be baking today with a grateful heart.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family, Glad

  7. Fabulous! Handsome husband and I watched it and are now hungry... Oh, what I wouldn't give to spend a week studying with them!
    Thank you for sharing! Have a wonderful weekend~

  8. Okay. When do we leave? Yum!!!

  9. indeed...daydreaming of a lovely bakery like this in my home town...


So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz