
simply beautiful . . .

I love . . . 
simple and beautiful furniture!!

I personally think the following photos
are really quite exceptional!!

from "Found". . .

Found . . .
 is simply amazing . . . founded by a gal named Jeni 
who from what I have seen so far is extremely talented 
along with her photographer husband Joel 
who took the photos above.
You can see more of his work here at . . .
Studio EMP

for more info on these chairs . . . click here and here
 or check out her blog called "the found blog"

I love everything about these two!!!

And then there was this beautiful piece . . .
from my friend Pam over at . . .
Red Ticking!! 

I absolutely LOVE this piece!!!

It is made from some of her Vintage Linen Sheets 
and I personally think it is Pure Perfection!!!
for more on this sofa - click here!!

(photos by the very talented John Granen)

And by the way . . .
Pam stocks tons and tons of vintage fabrics 
and old world linen sheets
in her amazing and wonderful store here in Seattle.

It is quite literally one of my favorite stores - ever!!! :) 

And just today,
I came across this lovely piece from . . .
a blog called . . . 
Dreamy Whites!!

I love Maria's blog . . . her thoughts on things . . . 
and . . . 
I simply love what she did with this chair!!

It too is upholstered using a vintage sheet . . .
and I just love the way it gives the piece an old world charm.
And of course - I also love the touch of red . . . 
it shows that you can use red in a neutral color scheme - 
and . . . I love that!!

For more on her wonderful blog . . . click . . . here.

And . . . by the way, 
my favorite upholstery shop in Seattle is . . .
Doran Patricks!!
 (just in case you were wondering)

and on that note . . . 
I just want to say - I believe that . . .

"a great upholstery job makes all the difference in the world!!
I believe it is worth every penny!!!

Wishing you a very happy friday . . . 
and a great weekend!!!

xoxo - liz


  1. ok, now THAT is just bizarre.... my daughter Jeni is married to a Joel! But it's not the same people (my kid is SO not into decorating like this! She's more bohemian!) Beautiful photos, tho...

  2. I think Pam put that sofa on 1st Dibs. Can you imagine if those initials had been a little red cross?!

  3. you are so special... i just sold the sofa and i am really sad but happy it will have a wonderful home... thanks for the sweet mention xxxx


So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz