
a quick note . . .

a quick note . . . 

as mentioned in a previous post . . . I have been wanting to make
a few changes to my blog . . . 
and last weekend - I worked on it for quite a long time!!

crazy as it sounds - I was trying to simplify my life a bit!! 
and just when I thought I had it all figured out . . .
I somehow deleted all my comments . . . 

Yes - every last one - up to last Saturday evening. 
 and even a few on the post I had just done earlier that day.
I was in the process of making some changes . . .
to moderate all the comments in the future - as I have 
been getting lots of spam lately.

Well - I was in an unfamiliar place . . . 
(as I usually just use the little trash can when I am logged onto my blog)  
and for some reason I thought it logical that I could delete them without 
affecting the ones that had already been published . . . 

And yes - I honestly believed they would stay published!!

But - obviously I didn't know what I was doing - and in a flash . . .
they were ALL gone . . .

I couldn't even believe it . . . I was in shock . . . 

My sweet husband tried to help me retrieve them . . .
and I was up until about 3:30 in the morning . . . but no luck.

It all happened way too fast . . .
like a speeding bullet - and there was no way back.
I couldn't even believe that I could do this without a prompt from
blogger - to make sure  I really wanted to delete them - ffffffforever . . .
(which I obviously didn't!!!!!)

well . . .
this was most definitely not the type of 
"freshening up" I was looking for!!
and although - this is also part of the journey
quite honestly . . . this little "delete all your comments journey"
was not at all fun!! I felt awful about it and still do . . .

These are the times when I know why I am a designer . . .
and not a computer programmer like my husband. . .

but I am quite sure of one thing . . . 
that I won't ever make that same mistake again . . . ever!!! 

I just want you to know that your comments have and still do . . .
mean the world to me!!!  

and a little "french bird" just mentioned to me . . .
that I could change my settings - to allow anyone to leave a comment 
(not just people who have accounts)  
Thank you miss Kim - much, much appreciated!!!

just wanted you to know . . .
and I hope you understand!

xoxo . . . liz


  1. You have saved the comments that meant something for you, in your heart, & that is what matter :o)
    Good luck further on your journey!

  2. just think of all of those people who are now able to tell you how fabulous you are!!!
    (I actually had the same issue when I used blogger and had no idea that only a select few could comment - I started receiving quite a few more once I changed it!)
    I too am in a simplifying place - quality over quantity, slow down, appreciate what I have, only buy what I {love}, etc...
    enjoy this GORGEOUS day~

  3. It sounds like someone else had a different understanding of a fresh start for you.
    Those comments may be lost on computer but they will always live on in your heart and in your memory.


  4. Ahhh...I'm sorry, Liz! Just know that we know that you are special and great and we love your style (and will be leaving loads & loads of lovely comments for you!)

    I hope you have a beautiful weekend!

    : )

    Julie M.

  5. oh, that would be something I would do! this blogging thing is so maddening sometimes. but your blog is beautiful!!!

  6. Liz!

    When you posted that last comment on my blog it made me laugh in turn which I also needed! Funny how that works. I love the "Keep Calm and Carry On" motto. I want to buy that poster for my classroom.



So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz