
imogene + willie . . .

At the top . . .
of my inspiration list!!

red crosses . . . cool jeans . . .
great music . . . and yummy tacos . . .

what more could you ask for??

I have to say . . .
I absolutely love everything about this brand . . .

starting with this very cool video . . .
(be sure to watch it in the large format!!)

and then there is this "behind the scenes" video . . .
(again - watch it in the large format!)

Why do I love everything about this??

You might say . . . it is right up my alley . . .

a real story about a real brandfocused on authenticity and rooted in America.

From concept, to design, to production, to sales -
it all takes place in a very old and cool retrofitted gas station.
the two very talented people behind all of this are . . .
Matt and Carrie Eddmenson
and it is called . . .

check it out - here!!

Simple . . . Wonderful . . . Amazing!!!
I love it!! . . . xoxo - liz

the top picture is from . . . denim debate
(a look at the wear of denim brands over a year . . .)

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So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz