
For my mom and dad . . .

This is my mother . . .

She is quite the beauty . . . both inside and out!!

She is smart, kind and a joy to be with . . .

She is a sweet soft-spoken intellectual,
a gifted athlete and artist . . .

and a great mom to myself . . .

and my two brothers!!

she unfortunately
also has Alzheimer's (which her mother also had)
and has been struggling with it for years . . .

and this last week over spring break . . .

my mom had a small stroke
to the right side of her brain
and is now recovering at a center
that understands both her Alzheimer's and
her weakness from the stroke.

Each day is now different from the one before . . .

it was not the kind of visit we had planned for spring break - but I am grateful I had the time to be with both her and my father.

My dad has always been by my mom's side . . .

ever since they very first met!!

They fell in love, married . . .

and have been the best of friends (true soul mates) ever since . . .

they have literally sailed through life together . . .

finding happiness in each and every situation. . .

but . . . always together . . . always!!

To live with such love is a true gift . . .

my heart is with you both . . . I send you all my love,
blessings . . . your daughter - liz

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So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz