
Winners of our finders-keepers game #2

This game is so much fun!!!

We had six vintage objects this time. The object of the game . . .
if you find the item (listed on the blog a day or two before
the event) - you get to keep it!! :)

I am happy to say that all the items were found and now
have wonderful new homes!!!
It is so much fun to see how happy
everyone is when they find something . . . it still makes me smile . . .
even now when writing this post . . .

I absolutely love this game!! :)

and now . . .
the winners . . .

finder-keeper #1 . . . leather "le jockey club" paris binoculars
(one of my very first personal finds ever)
. . . found by Gary :)

finder-keeper #2 . . . metal flower frog - found by Shane :)

finder-keeper #3 . . . old cream jar - found by Carrie :)
she is going for a ride in my old "51" red ford truck :)

finder-keeper #4 . . . wooden butter press - found by Denise :)

finder-keeper #5 . . . old metal "in-basket" - found by Mariela :)

finder-keeper #6 . . . ironstone butter-pat - found by Raejean :)

Don't these people look happy . . . I personally think all flea markets should do this . . . it should be a standard rule - wouldn't that be fun!!

I can't wait to find some things for next time . . . and just so everyone knows - I am going to hide them really well!!! :)

More market photos coming soon!! . . . liz

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So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz