
Fall Flea Vendor - Paula's Paisley Place

This is Paula . . . she is a wonderful gal!!!

I am so glad she came to the market . . . just look at her . . . she is
always so happy, positive and brings such great energy to all that she does!!
I personally love being around her!!

I like to think we have a lot in common . . . we both love vintage,
interior design and business, and I find it so easy to talk with her about so
many other things as well!!!

loved this wicker settee . . . full of down cushions!!

and of course the turkey platter I should have bought!!!

I am so glad she has been part of the Seabold Vintage Markets . . .
and I hope she comes back again and again!!

Thank you Paula for joining us - we loved having you!!!

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So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz