
Summer - Flea 2009

Here are some more pictures of the summer-flea . . .
it was a truly a beautiful day with family, friends, community and lots of vintage finds . . .

A few pictures from Maresa's booth . . . as I said before . . . hip, edgy and cool . . . just like she is!!! She is my very best friend and is like a sister to me - I have know her since I was two years old . . . that is a very long time - unfortunately the hip, edgy and cool stuff has never rubbed off on me - she is always one step ahead on fashion . . . always :)

Most of these furniture pieces can be found at Jackstraw - a very cool men's clothing store on First Avenue in downtown Seattle. You can also view some of the items at 1st dibs (deja neu furniture at Jack Straw) I love everything about this type of furniture!!! I grew up in a modern house . . . who knew? We had a great turquoise fridge in our kitchen . . . and I am pretty sure we also had a turquoise phone just like the one below :)

a few Seabold Vintage Market close-ups . . .

Two of our wonderful customers . . . Carrie and Pauline . . .
so glad you came to our market . . . it was so nice to meet you both - you were both so sweet!! And by the way Carrie - I think you were able to take home most of my favorite things - including that basket from Heather's booth. :) And . . . Pauline took home my favorite stool ever!!! :)

After shopping - they treated themselves to a dinner at . . .
"The Four Swallows" . . .
my all time favorite restaurant!!!

Great vintage finds - great food . . .
it can't get much better than that :)

Hope you enjoyed your day . . . thanks for making the
trip over to Bainbridge Island - we loved having you!!

More of Heather's beautiful booth . . . when I first met her - I knew instantly that I loved her style . . . it just keeps getting better and better - she is amazing!!!

My friend Paula's booth . . . I am sure many of you know her as she
has been an interior designer on the island for years and is the owner of Paisley Place Interiors. She also used to own an antiques store on Winslow Way as well. I am so glad she joined us!!! She and I share a similar enthusiasm for the whole vintage search . . . I just got an email and she is already on the road finding things for our fall-flea :)

Market girls . . .
my sweet friend Deb - who helped me out in more ways than you know,
her beautiful daughter Michelle who spent the day watching
my daughter Hattie (not an easy job I might add!!),
and my dear friend Mariela and her sweet little Cyrinne.

"Mehdi" (Mariela's husband) . . . you were so helpful - we couldn't
have done it without you!!! Thank you again!!!

Deb's friend, Deb and Michelle . . . love the apron Deb!!!

Claire's booth . . . lots of great finds from . . . kids games,

to old vintage Christmas decor . . .

to vintage books . . . silver and more . . .

Ruth Devine's booth . . . dont you love the look :)
I feel like I want to sit down and have some tea and crumpets with her!!!
I was so glad that she and her husband Vic joined us!!!

loved this old quilt of hers . . .

Joan's booth . . . she had her artwork on display as well as her vintage items . . .
I absolutely loved her "green-sustainable" collages . . . bread tags over
bread and flour wrappings, with sayings about bread . . . loved it!!! She also had her garden hat on - and just look at that smile :) She also has a blog called . . . September tea. Check it out!!

This is the one I had to take home with me . . .

when I got home . . . I realized the collage had 2 red-crosses on
the "king arthur flour" label . . . can you see them? I love red crosses!!!
It was definately meant to be!!! I knew I had to have it the moment I saw it!!!
Joan - you are a gifted artist . . . I mean that!!!

The colors are great - just wait . . . soon you will know exactly what I am talking about . . . I can't let you know just yet . . . as I will be introducing it at the fall-flea . . . it is then that you will know what it is that I am talking about!! :)

This was Joan's bike she had when she lived in England . . . Maureen bought it early on and everyone spent the day riding it around. :) If anyone has pictures - send them my way :)

Joan's booth partner . . . Linda . . . she had some great garden art and . . .

wonderful pin-cushions . . .

I bought this pin cushion from her . . . just darling!!

Next up . . . The Trading Post's booth!!! . . .

Most of you know Susan and Deborah from their other great store "Rancho Winslow". . .
(one of my very favorite stores . . . love their cowboy boots!!)

Well . . . they have just opened . . . "The Trading Post". . .
a new consignment store on Madison . . . across from the movie theaters.

I stopped in and all I can say is - that it is amazing!!! I hope to do a post on their store and show you how great it is!!! They are always having fun . . . so stop in their store and see for yourself . . . :)

Maureen's Booth . . . I absolutely loved this collection . . . Maureen has always had
great taste . . . in everything!! Gerry - the wonderful and amazing Chef at . . . "The Four Swallows" bought this set just after I took this picture - and will be displaying it in the restaurant. I can't wait to see it!! I took a picture of Maureen and Gerry and was excited to share it with you . . . but it didn't turn out very well!! Maybe I can get one next time :)

All this talk of The Four Swallows is making me hungry as I am now craving her food!!! Gerry is one talented chef!!

Maureen with her new vintage bike that she bought from Joan . . . she and her friends rode it around the on the grass and were having a great time doing so!! It was fun to see adults having such a good time!!

Marcia in her garden booth . . . another garden hat :) I know it was last minute . . .
I am so glad you joined us!!

"Heathers" outside booth . . . once again - so very charming!!!

I could look at Heather's photos all day . . . they are perfectly merchandised . . . some of them should definately be published!!!

my son Pierre's booth . . .
he helped with our outside space and sold some of his old bobble-heads and sports cards. He also helped taking the pulled-pork sandwiches out to everyone!! Thank you Pierre!!

He is a great kid . . . he is 13 - I'll keep you posted . . .

my daughter Hattie . . . dressed up as a butterfly-princess all day . . .
just ask Michelle . . . this butterfly is sometimes harder to catch than the real ones :)

And last but definitely not least . . . A big thank you to my wonderful husband Jeff . . . without him - none of this would have been possible . . . He is true sunshine in my life . . . come rain or come shine!! Love you sweetie!! - liz

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So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz