
The Farm Chicks Show . . . the best time ever!!!

Where do I even start . . . the Farm Chicks show was one
of the highlights in my life!!! I am not sure that I can explain the
true meaning of how much it meant to me here on this blog - it was
truly a moment in time that I will never forget!!! Life happens . . . we
have the wonderful times as well as the hard times . . . and once in
awhile . . . we have those special times that we will never forget . . .
for me . . . this weekend was one of those times!!!

A very special "Thank You" to Teri and Serena . . . we are
all blessed to have you in our lives - we will have memories that
will last a lifetime - Thank you so very much!!

A few pictures from our booth at the show . . .

It was truly an amazing show!!! I have so much more to share . . . check back soon :) liz

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So glad you stopped by . . . I just want you to know that I truly love hearing from each and every one of you!! . . . xoxo - liz